5 Ways To Find More Peace

Life is busy. Find your peace.

1. Pause

It is common to cram as much as possible into the day. We tend to run on autopilot and go into a mode of unconscious decision-making to get through our routines. Press pause on life and go to step 2. 

2. Breathe

Slow your breathing. Believe it or not several techniques exist. For brevity’s sake we will keep it simple - inhale, hold, release (slowly). The benefits of breathwork are fascinating! Breathwork can lower blood pressure, boost immunity and lessen chronic pain. Find the right technique for you!

3. Technology-free for three

Can you go 3 minutes without checking notifications? Try it. For some it might be a real challenge! Set your devices aside, put them in another room or in a drawer. Set a timer for 3 minutes. How did you do? Go a little longer each day and flex that digital detox muscle! Studies show detaching ourselves from technology 30 minutes a day can lessen strain on the eyes, recharge or rest our neural circuitry and improve sleep.*  

4. Thoughts 

How do we talk to ourselves? What is our internal dialogue? We may be destroying our peace with negative self-talk. Negative self-talk often distorts facts and catastrophizes situations. We can diffuse negative self-talk by catching and cross examining our inner critic. We can neutralize negativity just by changing the intensity of our words. Instead of saying, “I hate my hair today,” we can say, “I guess my hair wants to go in this direction today.”

5. Laugh

Laughter can be a great mechanism to diffuse stress, if used in the right way. Positive forms of humor, such as puns or witty exaggerations free of sarcasm and ridicule, can help reappraise a stressful situation and help us look at things in a fresh way. If you can’t laugh in the moment, perhaps you can laugh in hindsight. Sometimes a miserable experience turns into a happy memory.

What other ways help you find peace?



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