Earth Day, Are You In Balance With Nature?


In honor of Earth Day, allow yourself to unplug for a moment. Walk along a path and deviate from the sidewalk. Breathe in the cordiality of the fresh air. Embrace the charm of a pond. Delight in Nature’s paradoxical simplicity and complexity both.


It seems the perfect day to examine how we personally have contributed to Earth’s benefit or detriment. Have we taken inventory? Are we in balance?


As we assess our external footprint, the waste we contribute, the vehicles we drive, the products we consume, shouldn’t we also assess whether or not we are in internal balance with Nature?

When we say we are out of balance, the inference is we are out of balance with Nature. When we are out of balance, our bodies let us know; we break out or our skin becomes inflamed. Our skin alerts us that something is off.

Back in Balance

Restoration isn’t found in a cream. A cream is not restorative in and of itself. A cream or any skincare product should work with your body’s natural restorative abilities. Ingredients should be formulated to work with your skin, not against it. How do you know? Read the label. Find out if the ingredients synthetic or manipulated to the point they no longer resemble anything natural or organic.

Perhaps, unintentionally of course, you are sabotaging your own efforts to get into balance? If you are trying to combat dry skin, no amount of moisturizer will hydrate dry skin if you are consuming copious amounts of alcohol. Alcohol in your body in the form of beverages or topically in your skincare ingredients can be culprits when it comes to dehydration. Perhaps you have never considered this until now.


Recognize what you put out into the world and what you put into your body may put you in or out of balance with Nature.

Intention Going Forth

As we celebrate Earth Day, let’s take time to engage and reflect upon our relationship with Nature. Let’s assess how we measure up and how we are going be intentional going forth, because staying in balance is vital.


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