Be Confident In The Skin You’re In

Everybody Has Something

Everybody has something - a blemish, a scar, stretch marks, you name it. I have vitiligo. 

Vitiligo is a skin condition characterized by unpigmented patches. I have it most noticeably on my chest, on my arms and fingers. My vitiligo is not as noticeable during winter months as I can easily cover it up with a scarf or turtleneck sweater. By summer my vitiligo is BAM!, audacious. To say the contrast between my tan skin and my unpigmented skin is pronounced is an understatement.

Usually having vitiligo doesn’t bother me, it’s more of an afterthought - that is until someone approaches me to inquire, and they always do.

Stranger Danger

I’m most often asked, “What is that, a burn?” or “Does that hurt?” a close second. Why people think it’s acceptable to walk up to a perfect stranger and inquire about their chest is beyond me. I used to find it galling. Now I take it in stride. 

Being a part of Bath + Body Fusion, I have witnessed many accounts of skincare trials and transformations. People truly come to Bath + Body Fusion for our light and love and acceptance. Being part of this inner beauty tribe has given me new found appreciation for my skin.

Be Generous With Yourself
I have known Jenny Ralston, the founder and owner of Bath + Body Fusion, for years prior to working with her. I had used Dream Cream before and used it sparingly, just enough to hydrate those really dry areas. I thought using Dream Cream all over my body would be wasteful or over indulgent. I do not think in that small way any more. 

Once I changed from thinking small to thinking big and being generous with myself, I truly transformed.

Each morning I exfoliate my entire body with a soap and sea sponge and I apply Dream Cream generously all over my skin after I towel off and I tell my skin “thank you.” (Inaudibly of course)

I tell my skin that I’m thankful for it and that I love it, and it feels good to do so! It starts me off each day renewed, relaxed and confident. I rid my skin of the previous day’s toxins to allow for a new layer to bound forth. It is my morning gratitude ritual now and I challenge you to do the same. Your skin will soak it up and love you back.

Skincare Is Selfcare

Today I choose gratitude when looking at my skin. I no longer condemn those unpigmented patches. My patches are part of my story. Your skin is part of your story and your story is worthy to be told.

Whether curiosity seekers intend to express pity, curiosity or disgust, what used to make me self conscious and defensive I now handle with serenity and grace. I dropped the small thinking and the self-consciousness.

I realize no amount of Dream Cream can make my vitiligo go away, but the Dream Cream has transformed the way I think about it. Now I lavishly hydrate my skin in Dream Cream, and my skin loves it, vitiligo and all.

So love your skin. Be generous with it and think bigger.


Moringa Oil: Ancient Superfood, Hero Ingredient


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