What’s In Your Burn Cream? Read those first four ingredients.

Proper burn care from the beginning prevents skin breakdown later. The cream that is applied to a healed burn is consequential.

According to the Phoenix Society for Burn Survivors, the leading source for burn survivors, care givers and burn care professionals, warn not following proper skin care can cause severe long-term problems. 

The ingredients used in making burn cream are important. Label reading is paramount, however label reading does not have to be confusing. Ingredients are listed from highest to lowest concentration, the focus should be on the first four ingredients

Many over-the-counter burn relief products contain petroleum, parabens and alcohol. The skin creates its own natural barrier to help heal burned skin. Oil-based substances, such as petroleum jelly, appear to disrupt this important process. 

Additives, such as parabens, a synthetic compound used in 90% of personal products to extend shelf-life, mimic estrogen and are known to have hormonal disrupting effects.

Alcohol dries out the skin, leaving burned skin susceptible to itching which leads to scratching, which leads to skin breakdown, which can lead to infections, which can lead to more scarring and which may lead to more surgery.

Many cosmetic companies use alcohol to help products feel light and dry more quickly. The majority of creams do use alcohol. Alcohol causes the skin to dry out leaving healed burned skin susceptible to itching, which leads to scratching, which can also lead to skin breakdown, to infections, scarring and possibly surgery or more surgery if already grafted. Applying products that contain these additives can put a strain on how skin replenishes, renews and rejuvenates.

Consider using a product whose first four ingredients are formulated with a blend of natural ingredients. Bath + Body Fusion’s Dream Cream formulation uses a non-toxic, heterogeneous blend whose first four ingredients are Safflower Oil, Coconut Oil, Shea Butter and Beeswax. 

Burn survivor recommended Bath + Body Fusion Dream Cream creates an intact, functional skin barrier that slows down water loss, prevents irritants from entering the skin and maintains the protective integrity of the skin. All of these benefits translate into smooth, moist and healthy skin.


A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words. A Dream Cream Eczema Story.


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