A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words. A Dream Cream Eczema Story.

We have long heard from our customers that Bath + Body Fusion Dream Cream works wonders on their skin, but this story even blew us away:

“My son suffered from severe eczema. After numerous doctors appointments and spending hundreds of dollars on products, my sister in law told us about Dream Cream. We changed to a hypoallergenic formula and applied Dream Cream at every diaper change and the skin on his legs finally started to heal! The skin on his face was more of a challenge. We had to use a steroid to close the skin but we then used Dream Cream and aloe to heal the skin. My hands are even soft and smooth from applying it so much to my son. THANK YOU Jen and staff for your hard work and making natural products! Dream Cream was truly heaven sent!”

What is your Bath + Body Fusion Dream Cream Story? We would love to hear from you

Bath + Body Fusion Dream Cream - restoring skin, changing lives.


More than a skincare routine. Recognizing National Burn Awareness Week


What’s In Your Burn Cream? Read those first four ingredients.