More than a skincare routine. Recognizing National Burn Awareness Week

As Bath + Body Fusion observes National Burn Awareness Week Feb 7 - 13, we want to extend our gratitude to the burn survivors who reached out to share their stories.

Burn survivors have not only pushed through their personal inflective point, a pinpointed moment in time that changed everything that followed, they have pushed forward. 

We knew Bath + Body Fusion Dream Cream helped with wrinkles and everyday hydration based on the positive feedback we have received from our customers. What we did not expect and was humbled to hear was how Bath + Body Fusion Dream Cream was being recommended by burn survivors to other burn survivors within the burn survivor community. 

Chemical-free Bath + Body Fusion Dream Cream was being used (post-hospital discharge) for aftercare hydration of burned skin. As a less expensive alternative to Silvadene and Santyl, two prescription-strengthed topicals used in burn trauma units to treat second- and third-degree burns, Bath + Body Fusion Dream Cream was one-tenth of the cost.

When burned skin heals, the new skin that forms is as thin and delicate as newborn baby skin. Bath + Body Fusion Dream Cream was being used to coat new skin and provide a barrier to prevent infection and keep new skin hydrated. Dry skin, ever a battle for a burn survivor, can lead to itching, itching can lead to scratching and scratching can lead to skin breakdown, infection and more surgeries. 

For the burn survivor, skincare routine is much more than an a cosmetic concern. Burn survivor skincare routine is a skincare protocol that requires lifelong management and diligence to maintain overall health. 

Bath + Body Fusion thanks our burn survivors and the burn survivor community for their word-of-mouth recommendations of Bath + Body Fusion Dream Cream and for their continued trust. We honor you this week and are inspired by your stories of courage, tenacity and love. May you continue to shine your light and love worldwide.


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